What is relationship between Radha and Krishna?

In relation with Krishna, Radha has dual representation—the lover consort as well as his married consort. Traditions like Nimbarka Sampradaya worship Radha as the eternal consort and wedded wife of Krishna. In contrast, traditions like Gaudiya Vaishnavism revere her as Krishna's lover and the divine consort.

What is the full story of Radha Krishna?

Radha and Krishna are said to have spent their youths together, dancing and falling in love. While the two are held to be each other's closest partners, they were not generally held to be married. Various stories address this. To some, they did not marry since they already had one soul between them.

Why Radha is Worshipped with Krishna?

As per scriptures, Radha is considered as the complete incarnation of Mahalakshmi. It is believed that Krishna enchants the world, but Radha enchants even him. Therefore, she is the supreme goddess of all, and together they are called Radha-Krishna.